Songer Services Logo

Oil, Gas, Chemical

Large Scale Heavy Industrial Contracting For Oil, Gas & Chemical Markets

Songer Services has evolved as a full-service heavy industrial contractor in lockstep with the energy boom of the new millennium. It’s been a natural evolution driven by the oil, gas and chemical marketplace—with the Marcellus Shale play in our own backyard creating a demand for the types of construction services we excel at providing.

New Frontiers In Energy: Tailor Made For Heavy Industrial Contracting Pioneers.

From major equipment, piping installations and storage tanks to cryogenic separators, deethanizers and fracking components delivering the liquid gold of NGL’s, Songer Services builds reliable, safe and profitable site additions or greenfield installations that deliver on the promise of powering the next generation.

Foundations For Growth In Shale Gas

Songer plans, excavates and lays a new foundation for additional capacity within a busy and active gas processing facility in Majorsville, WV.

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We’ll Just Work Around You.

Songer builds a 200MMscfd Cryogenic Gas Processing Plant without interrupting operations at a Fractionation facility in Houston, PA

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Brand New Heater. Same Old Songer.

Songer’s past oil and gas fractionating experience comes in handy as we’re tapped to handle an HMO Heater build from the foundation up within a working plant in Ohio.

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Power To Build.

With proven expertise across the entirety of integrated steel manufacturing and maintenance, Songer has leveraged our exacting daily project management style, our expansive knowledge of the most talented union crafts and supervisors, and our proven ability to solve unique construction problems to meet the demands of modern energy.


There’s nothing in the universe of integrated steel manufacturing that we haven’t built or repaired before. We are blast furnace innovators and proven experts.

Our Capabilities

Heavy Industrial

Our evolution has led us to apply our heavy industrial contracting expertise and innovation to greenfield installations. We can build darn near anything, now.

Our Capabilities

Today's Songer is no Different than Yesterday. Just Bigger.