Songer Services Logo

Heavy Industrial

Contracting For Whatever It Is You Need To Build

For mature companies to survive and thrive, you have to evolve and roll with the punches, grow intelligently over time, and push yourselves to be as good as you are today… in new markets tomorrow.  At Songer Services, our heavy industrial contracting experience is the result of that journey—one that allows us to confidently answer the question “Can you build that?” with an emphatic yes.

Safe. Budget conscious. Time aware. Professional. Builders.

That’s how we grew into the diverse heavy industrial contractor we are today—by maximizing our experience and proven capability in one market area to serve other customer needs, large and small. We learned to move things. Stage things. Plan things. Build things. And then build even bigger things. And while that sounds simple, it represent decades of hands-on knowhow and hard-earned experience.

Brand New Heater. Same Old Songer.

Songer’s past oil and gas fractionating experience comes in handy as we’re tapped to handle an HMO Heater build from the foundation up within a working plant in Ohio.

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Foundations For Growth In Shale Gas

Songer plans, excavates and lays a new foundation for additional capacity within a busy and active gas processing facility in Majorsville, WV.

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A Down & Dirty Drainage Cleanout

The chain conveyor pits at the US Steel Gary Works developed a costly run-off problem over the years that was ultimately solved by Songer Services.

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Expertise Through Experience.

We owe our growth as a company to customers who asked us if we could also “build something else” for them because they liked the way we work. You will too—let’s talk about your next build.


There’s nothing in the universe of integrated steel manufacturing that we haven’t built or repaired before. We are blast furnace innovators and proven experts.

Our Capabilities

Oil Gas and Chemical

We’ve expanded into complex industrial construction environments that power the present and forge the future. Our steel pedigree fits perfectly in new frontiers.

Our Capabilities

Today's Songer is no Different than Yesterday. Just Bigger.