Industrial Construction & Maintenance for Integrated Steel
There’s virtually nothing you can build, fix or maintain within most steel works that we haven’t already done well, done safely, and done hundreds if not thousands of times. BOP’s. Casters. Slitters. Cutters. Rolling mills. Pipe mills. From emergency outages and on-going maintenance, to rebuilds, new builds and everything in between.
Hot Jobs. Hard Jobs. Emergency Jobs. All In A Life’s Work.
Civil and mechanical engineering. Advanced computer modeling. Automation integration. Fabrication. And an obsession with day-to-day safety that’s earned a trademark; all supported by a half-dozen full-time quality control professionals nationwide.
Background. Becomes Backbone.
Integrated steel construction is the sturdy backbone of a company that has expanded into broader energy, power generation and heavy industrial markets, but we’ve never forgotten where we come from. And that is the foundation for a standard of excellence we bring to work, every single day.