Technology Soars at Songer Services.
And Keeps Us Grounded In What’s Important To Our Customers.
Ours is often a dirty job—unavoidable when you’re crawling in and out of blast furnaces and coke ovens, or staging a construction environment for a major repair or rebuild of a key industrial component like a pressure vessel or reheat furnace.
But as you’re about to see, our new technology can help spare manpower and speed up jobs so that we squeeze every drop of value out of every shift we put in on the job. Often to great benefit to our customers, as well as our workers.
Technology At Work: Flying Camera Drones. Project Planning Software. 3D Modeling. Post Outage Reporting.
"Businesses that grow by development and improvement do not die." -- Henry Ford
History has proven that Henry Ford was really onto something. Development and improvement as a built-in component of business is key to a healthy and long-lived enterprise. That’s how we view our adoption and deployment of new technology.
Here are some of the technology initiatives currently in place at Songer Services:
- Quad Copter Drones for Site Inspections and More.
Songer Services is now flying—literally—on select job sites. Using two distinct models of flying drones to collect video footage, still photography, thermal images and gas measurements, Songer can now provide a technology-based alternative to difficult or tedious man-powered inspections. Pipeline and stack inspections, fly-overs for ore and slab field counts, hot spot imaging, and more complete scopes of work are all possible with our FAA-compliant camera copters and drone operators.
- Meticulous Project Management Software.
The jobsite is a hive of activity that requires significant pre-planning, active schedule management and versatile, scalable reporting across multiple fronts. Songer Services utilizes Primavera’s P6 Project Management Software to offer best-in-class task and project management to unite schedules, costs, and other vital project data across our complex industrial contracting engagements. Primavera boasts the creation of a “single version of the truth” for greater speed, accuracy, and efficiency in reporting—and scales seamlessly to fit the unique demands of each job.
- 3 Dimensional Modeling & On-Site Engineering.
Technology at Songer is not only a great equalizer—it’s a way for us to derive maximum value and deliver the lowest total installed cost while maintaining a focus on quality. Our project management and engineering personnel give priority to detailed project review and planning long before a shovel hits the ground. Owner, design engineer and equipment manufacturers are united on the same page at project start—and tools like 3 Dimensional modeling help to drive value and efficiency during the execution phase of the project.
Our engineers “speak that language” no matter what the software or system you’re using, and use that knowledge throughout the project to optimize constructability, support low-cost installation, and preserve long-term operability and maintainability for the customer.
- Post Outage Reporting & Documentation.
“What’s past is prologue.” Songer takes this to a new level by painstakingly documenting our jobsite activity with custom Post Outage reporting. On-site smart phone pictures, relevant schematics and software screen grabs are combined with point-by-point procedural explanations that allow Songer personnel (and customers) to know virtually every step we took on a job – and equally important, WHY we took those steps. The unique obstacles we encountered and overcame in the past… inform the challenges we face in the present.
If you would like to view summaries of our detailed post-outage reports, check out our project page. To view a full report, make a formal request via the contact below.
The elbow grease dirty work we do every day is hard on equipment and manpower, and is one of the primary reasons Songer Services has always been a forward-thinking early adopter of new technology to help manage, mitigate and often streamline the day-to-day processes of being an effective industrial general contractor.
How might we put our best technology to work for you? Contact Lauren D. Keating, General Manager of Engineering & Projects to learn more.